
Funkciju skaidrojums
Parasti tembra regulators darbojas a ±12dB diapazonā. Funkcija Kill vēl vairāk paplašina šo diapazonu no -26dB un vairāk. Tas palielina Jūsu iespējas bītmiksinga laikā.

Relay Play
Ideāli piemērots lietošanai bāros un kafeinīcās: palielina atskaņošanas laiku divas reizes dēļ pamīšus atskaņotām kompozīcijām no kreisā un labā CD atskaņotāja.

Anti Shock
Vairāk nebūs jāpiedzīvo apnicīgi skaņas pārrāvumi, kad cilvēki sāk lēkāt pa deju grīdu! Anti šoka atmiņa ļauj turpināt atskaņot mūziku bez apstājas arī brīžos, kad CD atskaņotājs piedzīvo spēcīgus ārējus grūdienus.

Digital Out
S/PDIF svienojamā izeja ļauj radīt ideālu ciparu ierakstu.

Anti Skip
Parasti pēc stipra grūdiena CD atskaņotājs sāk atskaņot kompozīciju no sākuma. Anti-Skip ļauj no tā izvairīties un atjauno kompozīcijas atskaņošanu tieši no tā brīža, kad kaut kas nogāja greizi.

Fader Start
Aprīkojumu, kuram piešķirts šāds logotips, var pieslēgt pie CD atskaņotāju aktīvajām funkcijām Start/Stop, lietojot kanālu feiderus mikseros.

DSP Effect
Šai ierīcei ir iebūvēti ciparu DSP efekti, kuri ļauj paplašināt Jūsu radošuma robežas.

Pitch Lock
Vēl saukts par Master Tempo: mūzikas solis paliek nemainīgs arī tad, ja tiek mainīts tās atskaņošanas ātrums. Lielisks palīgs bītmiksingā!

DJ Fader
Šis DJ-feiders ir aprīkots ar diviem tērauda virzītājiem vieglākai slīdamībai un papildus izturībai. Epoksīda plātne un ar oglekli pārklāti vadi nodrošina ilgu mūžu feiderim.

Balanced IN

Balanced OUT

Balanced IN/OUT

Balanced MIC

Gari singulārie kabeļi ir jutīgi pret ārējo iedarbību. Sabalansētie savienojumi ļaus izvairīties no liekiem trokšņiem. Šī iemesla dēļ gandrīz viss skaņu ierakstu studijās atrodamais aprīkojums ir ar sabalansētiem savienojumiem. Ierīces ar šo logotipu var slēgt kopā ar sabalansētajiem kabeļiem.

Seamless Loop
Šī funkcija ļauj radīt ideālas cilpas tā, ka Jūs nedzirdēsit pat vismazākās dzirdamās pauzes. 

Digital Scratch
Ciparu skreča (Scratch) efekts ar jebkuru audio CD.

Aprīkojumu ar šādu logotipu var lietot, lai vadītu jebkura veida PC MIDI-programmas (izņemot DJ atskaņotājus).

USB Memory
Aprīkojumu ar šādu logotipu var lietot kopā ar visa veida USB-atmiņas nesējiem (kompaktajiem HDD, USB-stick, u.tml.), kas ir formatēti FAT32 failu sistēmā.

USB Sound Card
Aprīkojumam ar šādu logotipu ir viena vai vairākas iebūvētas USB skaņas kartes. Rezultātā skaņu var padot un/vai saņemt tieši no jebkura Mac® vai PC. USB audio kartes pilnībā strādā divos virzienos.

Aprīkojums ar šādu logotipu lieto pastiprinātājus, kuros skaņa tiek kontrolēta ar kontrolējamu spriegumu. Tas nozīmē, ka nekāds audio signāls, izņemot pavisam mazu līdzstrāvu, neiet cauri kanālu feideriem. Tas ievērojami samazina klikšķu iespējamību mūzikas atskaņošanas laikā, kas var rasties nolietotu feideru dēļ.

Aprīkojums ar šādu logotipu darbojas ar SDHC™ atmiņas kartēm. Uzmanību, šāds aprīkojums nedarbosies ar SD™ atmiņas kartēm!

Q-D Base
Īpaša personālā datora programma rada datu bāzi, kuru atpazīst un var lietot atskaņotājs. Visus ID-tagus var meklēt alfabētiskā secībā, tāpēc Jūs ļoti viegli varat atrast vajadzīgo kompozīciju arī liela apjoma cietajos diskos!
Basic Lighting Knowledge
1) Lumen (lm)

Lumen is the international (SL) unit of luminous flux, a measure of overall light emitted by a light source.

2) Candela (cd)

Candela is the international (sl) unit of luminuous intensity, a measure of light emitted by a light source in a particular direction. Any given light source will have different luminous intensities in different directions considered. [candela = lumen/solid angle]

3) Beam Angle (Unit:degree)

Beam angle is the angle between two directions for which the luminous intensity is 50% of the maxmum intensity as measured in a plan through the nominal beam centerline. Beam angle of a bulb gives an idea of how the light beam spreads away from the beam center.

4) LUX (lx)

Lux is the international (SL) unit of illuminance, a measure of light arriving at a surface, 1 lumen per square foot equals 1 footcandle, while 1 lumen per square meter equals 1 lux .

[lux = lumen/m2]

5) Color Temperature / Correlated Color Temperature (CCT)

A black-Body radiator will have a different color whent it is heated up to different temperatures (in kevin).The Temperature at which the heated black-body radiator matches the color of the light source is the color temperature of the light source.

6) Color Rendering Index (CR)

Color rendering index ranges from 0-100 ,measures a light source's ability to reproduce the color of various objects being lit by a reference light source, black body radiator (CRI=100)

 Efficacy (lm/W)

Eifficacy is the effciency of a light source to concert electricity energy to light energy which is expressed in lumen output per unit power input (watt). [Efficacy = lumen / wattage]

8) Design Life Time

Design life time is the average life of a lighting product when it is operated at nominal lamp voltage,current and controlled working environment. Actual lamp life varies because of any different from those rating condition.

9) Dimmability

Not all lighting prodcuts is designed for dimming function. Dimming a non-dimmable LED lighting product will cause un-predictable result and may affect the life time of the products. The below figure shows the typical input current variation while adjusting the DC voltage input to dimmable and non-dimmable product.

IP Checker
Rating=Protection from Solids                Protection from Liquids
IP00=No protectionNo protection
IP01=No protectioncondensation
IP02=No protectionwater spray < 15 degrees from vertical
IP03=No protectionwater spray < 60 degrees from vertical
IP04=No protectionwater spray from any direction
IP05=No protectionlow pressure water jets from any direction
IP06=No protectionhigh pressure water jets from any direction
IP07=No protectionimmersion between 15cm and 1m depth
IP08=No protectionlong term immersion to a specified pressure
IP10=touch by hands (>50mm)No protection
IP11=touch by hands (>50mm)condensation
IP12=touch by hands (>50mm)water spray < 15 degrees from vertical
IP13=touch by hands (>50mm)water spray < 60 degrees from vertical
IP14=touch by hands (>50mm)water spray from any direction
IP15=touch by hands (>50mm)low pressure water jets from any direction
IP16=touch by hands (>50mm)high pressure water jets from any direction
IP17=touch by hands (>50mm)immersion between 15cm and 1m depth
IP18=touch by hands (>50mm)long term immersion to a specified pressure
IP20=touch by fingers (>12mm)No protection
IP21=touch by fingers (>12mm)condensation
IP22=touch by fingers (>12mm)water spray < 15 degrees from vertical
IP23=touch by fingers (>12mm)water spray < 60 degrees from vertical
IP24=touch by fingers (>12mm)water spray from any direction
IP25=touch by fingers (>12mm)low pressure water jets from any direction
IP26=touch by fingers (>12mm)high pressure water jets from any direction
IP27=touch by fingers (>12mm)immersion between 15cm and 1m depth
IP28=touch by fingers (>12mm)long term immersion to a specified pressure
Rating=Protection from SolidsProtection from Liquids
IP30=tools & wires (>2.5mm)No protection
IP31=tools & wires (>2.5mm)condensation
IP32=tools & wires (>2.5mm)water spray < 15 degrees from vertical
IP33=tools & wires (>2.5mm)water spray < 60 degrees from vertical
IP34=tools & wires (>2.5mm)water spray from any direction
IP35=tools & wires (>2.5mm)low pressure water jets from any direction
IP36=tools & wires (>2.5mm)high pressure water jets from any direction
IP37=tools & wires (>2.5mm)immersion between 15cm and 1m depth
IP38=tools & wires (>2.5mm)long term immersion to a specified pressure
IP40=tools & small wires (>1mm)No protection
IP41=tools & small wires (>1mm)condensation
IP42=tools & small wires (>1mm)water spray < 15 degrees from vertical
IP43=tools & small wires (>1mm)water spray < 60 degrees from vertical
IP44=tools & small wires (>1mm)water spray from any direction
IP45=tools & small wires (>1mm)low pressure water jets from any direction
IP46=tools & small wires (>1mm)high pressure water jets from any direction
IP47=tools & small wires (>1mm)immersion between 15cm and 1m depth
IP48=tools & small wires (>1mm)long term immersion to a specified pressure
Rating=Protection from SolidsProtection from Liquids
IP50=Limited dust ingress protectionNo protection
IP51=Limited dust ingress protectioncondensation
IP52=Limited dust ingress protectionwater spray < 15 degrees from vertical
IP53=Limited dust ingress protectionwater spray < 60 degrees from vertical
IP54=Limited dust ingress protectionwater spray from any direction
IP55=Limited dust ingress protectionlow pressure water jets from any direction
IP56=Limited dust ingress protectionhigh pressure water jets from any direction
IP57=Limited dust ingress protectionimmersion between 15cm and 1m depth
IP58=Limited dust ingress protectionlong term immersion to a specified pressure
IP60=Total dust ingress protectionNo protection
IP61=Total dust ingress protectioncondensation
IP62=Total dust ingress protectionwater spray < 15 degrees from vertical
IP63=Total dust ingress protectionwater spray < 60 degrees from vertical
IP64=Total dust ingress protectionwater spray from any direction
IP65=Total dust ingress protectionlow pressure water jets from any direction
IP66=Total dust ingress protectionhigh pressure water jets from any direction
IP67=Total dust ingress protectionimmersion between 15cm and 1m depth
IP68=Total dust ingress protectionlong term immersion to a specified pressure
IP69K=Total dust ingress protectionsteam jet cleaning