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Euro Baltronics - online shop for sound, light and effects
Gaismas ierīces
LED prožektori
Lieljaudas prožektori
High Power Projectors
Briteq LED Stage Beamer 14 x Tri RGB LED
Artikuls: 28518
Dalies ar draugiem!
Briteq LED Stage Beamer 14 x Tri RGB LED
Very powerful RGB LED projector (3200lux @ 2m) based on 14 tri-color 3W LEDs:
Unwanted RGB shadows are completely eliminated
Perfect and evenly spread color mixing, even at short range.
Beam angle: 16°
This LED projector is your first choice :To light up small, medium and large stages but also perfect for architectural lighting.
Perfect alternative for traditional PAR64 projectors: only 52Watt power consumption at full output and no need for heavy dimmer packs!
The use of LED Technology makes important energy (cost) savings possible compared to units based on halogen lamps!
Different DMX operation modes:
3 channel HSV-control (hue, saturation, value)
3 channel RGB-control
4 channel RGB + dim
5 channel RGB + dim + strobe
11 channel TOUR-control (RGB, incl. color macros, dimmer speed, automatic programs, strobe, …)
Thanks to all kinds of special features this projector is the choice of professional light designers:
Color temperature presets 3200K ~ 10.000K
White & RGB Calibration
Different dimmer curves
Neutrik PowerCon input/output (max. 24 units)
Neutrik 3pin DMX input/output
Filter frame included (frost filters, etc.)
Recall custom programs by DMX
Menu driven LED-display with password protection on the rear panel
Tempered glass lens protection
The 400Hz LED scan rate makes it also a perfect choice in TV studios (no interferences with TV-cameras)
Completely silent: the projector is cooled by natural air convection so no noisy fans are needed!
The lightweight aluminium housing uses a double hanging bracket so it can also be used as floor projector.
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